
mini ice-cream sandwhiches on the go

Everyone loves goodie baskets, but goodie baskets filled with mini ice-cream sandwhiches, even better.  Each mini ice-cream sandwhich is roughly 100 calories... okay that's a complete guess.

Start with your standard gift bag, and cut off the top half. 

I used an old type-pad rubber stamp to amp up some ribbon and a little note card.

Attach the ribbon around the sides of the gift bag (that I lined with parchment paper), you can use double sided tape or a glue gun.

Assemble the mini ice cream sandwiches. I made these chocolate chip cookies, and used vanilla bean ice cream, store bought (I don't have the patience nor an ice-cream maker). Wrapped them tightly in saran wrap. Place sandwiches and note in the bag and you're all set.

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